Morning tea entertainment: Clients of the monthly social morning teas held at the Forbes Town Hall have been treated to quality musical talent over the past two months. In September, Trevor Wren sang classics such as Roll out the Barrel and Side by Side, while in October Ruth Elphick played familiar tunes on her piano accordion. The Forbes Neighbourhood Central office hosts the morning teas with the help of volunteers – Doreen Rogers, Lorraine Rue, Gillian Davis and Ruth Elphick. Anyone who would like to register for morning tea, or other social activities can call Monica Wren at the Forbes Office on 6851 4550. Morning tea is a free event for Neighbourhood Central clients and transport is available. It is an opportunity for senior citizens still living in their own home to stay socially active and engaged in the community.
Teddy Bears’ Picnic: If you go down to Victoria Park tomorrow, you’re sure of a big surprise! The inaugural Forbes Teddy Bears’ Picnic will be held from 9.30am to 1.30pm and everyone is invited to attend. Bring your favourite teddy and stand a chance to win a prize for the best dressed teddy. There will be games, activities, crafts,
face painting, a jumping castle, storytelling, nursery rhymes and a barbecue. There will also be prizes, performances
by Mainly Music and Kristen’s Dance Studio, a Forbes Toy Library display and a major raffle, sponsored by Bunnings. Contact organiser Fiona Blyth on 0405 411 355 or Council’s Youth Development Assistant Clarissa Stewart on 6850 2357.