Forbes Phoenix


Congratulations to the newly elected Parkes Shire Councillors.

Parkes Shire Council: Parkes Shire Council is pleased to announce the official results of the recent local government elec­tions. Congratulations to Cr Neil Westcott, who has been re-elected as Mayor, and Cr Marg Applebee, who has been re-elected as Deputy Mayor, both serving their second terms. We look forward to their continued leadership. We also welcome the newly elected Councillors: Neil Westcott (Mayor), Glenn Wilson, Marg Applebee (Deputy Mayor), Bill Jayet, Louise O’Leary, Douglas Pout, Kenny McGrath, Joy Paddison, Mat­thew Scherer, George Pratt. Special thanks to all the candidates for their dedication, and to the residents of Parkes Shire for a voter turnout of nearly 86%! Your involve­ment plays a key role in shaping the future of our community. For information, visit:

Lifeline Central West: Did You Know – we offer free, independent, confidential Finan­cial & Gambling counselling all over the Central West? To make an appointment with us, call: 1300 798 258 or email:

Regional Development Australia Cen­tral West: Register for free Cyber Security Workshops brought to you by NBN Co and RDA Central West. Small business owners in Central West New South Wales are invit­ed to participate in a series of free, handson cyber security workshops aimed at em­powering them with crucial knowledge and tools to safeguard their online operations. The workshops will be run in October 2024 in Wellington, Parkes, Condobolin, Lithgow and Blayney. The event is free but regis­tration is essential via link:

R U OK? Four in five people say they feel better about managing their situation hav­ing talked it through. If you know someone is going through a tough time, check in, ask R U OK? and show them that you care and are there to support them. For tips on how to continue the conversation visit:

Forbes Shire Mayor and Deputy Mayor Election Results: At the declaration of the newly elected Forbes Shire Council on Wednesday 2 October, Councillor Phyllis Miller and Councillor Chris Roylance were reelected unopposed as Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Forbes Shire Councillors – Sarah Sweeney, Jenny Webb, Aidan Clarke, Phyl­lis Miller, Chris Roylance, Michele Herbert, Marh Duggan, Steve Karaitiana and Brian Mattiske, elected following the September Local Government election.

Congratulations to the newly elected Forbes Shire Councillors.

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