Forbes Phoenix

Parkes Que Club Needs Your Help

Models from the wedding parade from the 2023 International Women’s Day luncheon.

International Women’s Day is fast approaching, and the Parkes Que Club is once again organising their annual luncheon. The club normally receives a grant that covers entertainment and provides tickets for two students and a teacher from Parkes High School, Parkes Christian School and Red Bend Catholic College to attend the luncheon. The club were unsuccessful with their application so are now calling on the community to help.

Parkes Que Club President, Karen Ritchie said “The International Women’s Day luncheon is run as a not-for-profit event and the $1000 grant meant that we could cover costs and keep ticket prices low.”

“We would love local businesses to help. If four businesses each donated $250 we would be able to cover our costs. We are also seeking donations for our fundraising raffle” added Karen.

This year’s luncheon local guest speakers are Tracey Hambridge BAPPSCI (Nut) NNUTDIET (Dietician) and Janna Flanagan from Elder’s Real Estate Parkes.

Entertainment from Parkes based Filipino Australian Community Choir and Adrian Day, also be tables displaying/selling products from local Women. The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better World.

The Parkes Que Club International Women’s Day Luncheon, Sunday, 10th of March, 11.45am at the Parkes Services Club. Tickets $35 + $1 booking fee from

Businesses or locals that would like to help with sponsorship or donating raffle prizes can contact Wendy Neville on 0418 469 294.

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