Forbes Phoenix

Our Gal… Sally Downie

How long have you lived in Forbes and what do you like about living here? I have lived in Forbes for 20 years. I like Forbes because it is such a friendly community with everything you need.

Where do you work and what do you enjoy about your work? I work on my family’s dairy farm and I am a Young Dairy Network Coordinator for Dairy NSW. I enjoy working with cows and the diversity and beauty of farm life.

What do you do to unwind after work or on weekends? I procrastinate on university work and catch up with mates.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? I’d love to be able to talk to animals! To know what the cows were thinking would be very handy sometimes.

Tell us about your best holiday ever. When I was in primary school my family went around Australia for four weeks. We visited the red dirt rather than the beach and had a blast.

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