How long have you lived in or around Forbes and what do you like about living here? We have been in Forbes for 11 and a half years now. I like the small, quiet, country town.
What was your first job? I was working as a legionnaires and water tester, a long time ago.
What makes you laugh the most? My kids.
If money were no object, what would you do with your time? Spend every day like it was an adventure.
Describe your dream holiday? A nice long road trip all around Australia, stopping any and everywhere.
What is a favourite childhood memory of yours? Hanging out with my cousins on the farm.
If you could live in any time or place, where and when would that be? I would still live in Australia, but in the early colonial days. I would like to see it for myself.
If you could share a meal with any three people, past or present, who would they be? My Father, my Grandmother and Great Grandmother West.