Phyllis Miller, Mayor of Forbes Shire Council
How long have you lived in or around Forbes? Just over 40 years.
What do you love most about your work? I love giving back something to a community that has given just so much to me. How much they cared about me when I lost my son in a car accident was just so special.
How do you start your day? I start the day early, usually 5.30-6am, getting the reading done of all my official stuff. And have a pot of tea. I’m very much a morning person. I’ve written some of my best speeches at 3am.
What do you do in your spare time? I have six grandchildren and a seventh on the way, so I try to spend as much time with them as possible. I’m also a keen gardener and I love cooking. I also play squash and took it up again after a break of nearly 15 years.
How do you like your coffee? I usually have a skimmed-milk cappuccino, with no sugar, but I’m also partial to a piccolo when I need a pick-me-up. We have a coffee machine at home and when I go out I like to spread my business around as much as possible.
What makes your day? I reckon any day above ground is a good day, but the most rewarding time is time spent with my children and grandchildren.