How long have you lived in Forbes and what do you like about living here?
More than 70 years. I like the people and the place. I suggest that everyone go for a walk around our beautiful lake and envi- rons, and have a chat to people along the way and you will see what I mean.
Where do you work and what do you enjoy most about your work?
The National Library of Australia in Canberra is the base for my work, however I travel Australia wide recording people’s stories. What is there not to enjoy about this?
What do you do to unwind after work and on weekends?
Listen to and play music – a wide variety from Rock, through to Irish and traditional to Classical. I love my music!
What are you really good at?
Getting people to open up and tell me their life stories for the archives… also radio and theatre production.
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Is wisdom a super power? If so I would gift it to our world and local leaders.
What is your pet hate?
I don’t hate any- thing! I dislike negativity and elitism.
Tell us about your best holiday ever.
All holidays are good. Favourite places visited would have to be Scandinavia, as well as Ireland.