Aboriginal businesses in NSW received $92 million in direct Government contracts in 2019-20. This soared to almost $480 million in 2021-22.
Treasurer Matt Kean welcomed the increased volume of contracts with Aboriginal businesses as proof of the collaborative approach taken by the Government with Aboriginal community leaders. “We have consistently heard the important role procurement plays in empowering Aboriginal businesses and communities and I am pleased that our Government continues to increase these opportunities.”
Minister for Finance Damien Tudehope said the policy’s success reflected the expertise and quality of the products and services provided by Aboriginal businesses in NSW. “The Aboriginal Procurement Policy had a target of 200 contracts worth a total of $136.7 million for the 2021-22 financial year. We can report there have been 694 contracts worth $479.6 million,” Mr Tudehope said.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Franklin said a series of Meet the Buyer events have been held in local areas to connect regional Aboriginal businesses with government agencies, major suppliers and head contractors.
Aboriginal businesses and communities are able to provide feedback on the Aboriginal Procurement Policy through the Have Your Say consultation until 28 February at www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/aboriginal-procurement.