Forbes Phoenix

LEEP into Success

Group (1)

The Forbes High School Lachlan Engagement and Enrichment Program (LEEP) saw stage 2 and 3 students from across five public schools visit the senior school on Tuesday 25 August for an outstanding day of learning.

LEEP encourages students to work in groups and with mentors from the High School in two set subject disciplines – mathematics and science. The program enables students to experience interactive and challenging projects that inspires peers in a 21st century learning environment.

Glenn Stewart, Director of Public Schools NSW, and two visiting principals, Mr Thomas from Forbes Public and Mr McAlister from Forbes North were all very impressed with the success and engagement of the program. “It was fantastic to see students from the five schools working together and engaged in project based learning,” said Mr Thomas.

“This high level learning opportunity created by the Forbes High School teachers and mentors enables students to be immersed in an environment that facilitates the development of individuals to be extended through significant engagement and problem solving tasks.”

LEEP is held on one day each term and runs for an entire school day and delivers a shared approach to the education of younger students.

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