Forbes Phoenix

Forbes Croquet Club Notes

On Saturday 16th November a very gusty, windy morning, Aussie Croquet was played with a small number of 25 players, howev­er some good scores were once again re­corded. All three games were won by Kevin Rubie and David West.

Golf Croquet was played on 19th No­vember on rather a warm day, once again with a good number in attendance. Three games were won by John Cole, John Fa­rah, Mal Smith and May Jones.

Our Croquet lawns are looking good af­ter the extra watering given, as well as the lovely fall of rain.

A special thank you to the workers of Forbes Shire Council who tend to the mow­ing and marking of our lawns. A great job, well done.

Forbes Croquet Club members extend their deepest sympathy to Bruce Toole one of our valued members who recently lost his son, Neil. To you Bruce, and to your family our thoughts are with you.

The Christmas season is almost with us and we are having a luncheon in the shade area on 10th December after play. Our spe­cial Christmas luncheon and prizegiving day will be held on Tuesday 17th Decem­ber at the Vandenberg Hotel, 12 pm.

The last day of play for 2024 will be 14th December with play to resume on 7th Jan­uary 2025.

Croquet is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels, and it provides a great opportunity for socialising and spending time outdoors. Whilst Golf Croquet is the easiest to learn, Aussie Cro­quet on Saturday does have more tactical play, but it is not difficult to learn.

By Elvy Quirk

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