Australians have a worldwide reputation for being extremely generous with their time and effort when it comes to undertaking voluntary work, and our bands of selfless volunteers have indeed become the heart and soul
of our communities. It’s particularly the case in rural communities such as Forbes Shire.
That’s why Forbes Shire Council took the opportunity not so long ago to recognise a prominent collection of selfless locals during National Volunteers Week with special awards and a morning tea at the Forbes Youth and Community Centre.
Those awards went to Marie Lambert, Murray Field, Nikki Patten, Greg Spencer, Narelle Shaw, Janelle McManus, Patricia Caines, Joy Brown, Heather Tomlinson, Len Keat, Bruce Toole, John Clifton, Lachlan Reynolds, Lorraine Rue, Lee Reynolds, Peg Clifton, Dawn Keat, Maree Yapp, Debbi Hodges-Lockwood, Heather Mann, Julie Herridge, and, to show that community organisations play an important role in the process, also to the Rotary Club of Forbes, Forbes Riverside Community Garden and Spectacular Screenings.
Now there’s another chance for the community to recognise it’s invaluable band of volunteers, this time in the form of the 2015 NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards, which are being run under the auspices of the State Government’s Department of Education and Communities. There are regional sections, including one for the Central West, so make sure that you participate in the nomination process. Nominations close July 17 and can be made online by visiting