The Forbes Country Women’s Association (CWA) ladies are enjoying a very busy December. During this month the Forbes CWA, currently comprising of almost 28 members, have already prepared 24 Christmas themed toiletry bags which will be delivered to the Forbes Hospital very soon.
The toiletry bags supplied to the Forbes Hospital patients have been an ongoing project. Given along with the bags are beautifully knitted teddy bears and crochet butterflies, and for the maternity section, booties and beanies. These have specially been made by friends and members of the Forbes CWA.
The CWA ladies were inspired by the CWA Evening Group and also prepared some ‘Bags for Dignity’. These were delivered to the Bunnings ‘It’s in The Bag’ box last week.
Furthermore, the CWA have given donations to various community groups.
Havannah House received a donation that will go toward the refurbishment of a room. Captain Meaghan Gallager from The Salvation Army also gratefully received a donation from the organisation.
Robyn Kenny from the Forbes Town Band was extremely happy with a donation that will go towards buying instruments for the band. Molly from the Sunshine Club was
happy to receive a cheque for such a worthy cause.
“Forbes CWA is always looking for new members. If you would like to come along and join us, our meetings are the first Friday of each month at 1:30pm at the CWA hall in Lachlan Street,” said Forbes CWA President Elaine Bright.
By Gizell van Wyk