Forbes Phoenix

Be Seen @ Parkes High Reunion Class Of 1969-1974

Old classmates enjoyed reconnecting over the weekend of 6, 7 and 8 September, some not having seen each other since school days, while others had attended past class reunions.

There was a meet and greet at Cambridge on Friday night, lunch at the Coachman on Saturday and dinner at the Hong Loch on Saturday night. We laughed as we shared old school memories, and listened with interest to each other’s stories of where their life had led them.

Some of us had been at school together from Kindergar­ten onwards. But no matter how long our years together were, there was a sense of gratitude for those years spent together as we were growing up and that had played a part in our formation as adults.

The event ended with coffee in Cooke Park on Sunday morning for those who were still in town. Others, had made an early start to return home; home being as far away as Queensland, Broken Hill, different parts of Sydney, up Newcastle way, and down Wollongong way, Canberra and Orange, and anywhere in between.

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