Linda Reilly
Where do you work and what do you enjoy most about your work? I work at Forbes Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Centre and have for 10 years. I meet a diverse range of people and enjoy the challenge of helping them regain their fitness.
What do you do to unwind after work and on weekends? I enjoy dragon boating, watching my kids play sport (their rugby starts this weekend) and if there is time, some reading.
What are you really good at? I am good at being a sports physio because I enjoy the challenge of studying and then applying the latest medical research to help people get better quicker.
If you could have a super power, what would it be? Did you know that the mind actually controls pain? Therefore, it would be great if I could read people’s minds so I would be able to understand this better.
What is your pet hate? Hypocrites, judgmental people and mouth breathers.