International Women’s Day was celebrated in Forbes on Saturday with 80 amazing guests and inspiring keynote speakers Belinda Mawhinney, and Kelly Foran.
Together, we explored the history of International Women’s Day, celebrated global progress in gender equality, and discovered our own leadership qualities.
We learned how to set boundaries in all aspects of our lives and turn life’s lemons into lemonade.
Forbes Seniors Give it a Go Festival for Senior’s Week is in full swing. There are still plenty of fantastic events lined up.
Don’t forget to register for the ones that interest you the most. You can get the full program from the Council’s website front page events.
Forbes Shire Council needs your input for the Active Transport Plan. Open until 4 April we need the community to share ideas for pedestrians, prams, cyclists etc.
So we can include it in our future planning, works and funding applications. WE all want Forbes to be an abilities accessible and easy town to get around.
You can complete the short online questions at Your Say – at the bottom of the front page of the council’s website.
While you are in the Your Say section of the website – feel free to have your say on the Community Strategic Plan. Phase 2 is open for community members to prioritise the goals nominated by the community when we called for your input earlier in the year. There have been some really well considered and great ideas – now let us know what your priorities are so we can establish some real community goals and outcomes.
Have you seen the plans and progress for the new grandstand at Spooner Oval? It really is going to be an amazing amenity and as such we need to give a great name.
Council is currently inviting submissions to name the new grandstand at Spooner oval.
You can log your suggestion on the website.
God Bless,
Phyllis Miller OAM